
About Us

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.

Chris Morrison – MBA, B.Ed, Ass Dip Ag, Grad Dip Ed Couns, Certificate IV in Coaching, Certified Workplace Trainer and Assessor, NLP Practitioner, Master Coach & Public Speaker

Chris Morrison is an experienced business/executive coach who helps business owners find their way to live fulfilling and successful lives while building profit and wealth.

Chris is an excellent communicator and has a high level of sensory acuity. He has 35 years of experience working with businesses and individuals in a range of diverse communities. Those include a number of high-profile clients from both the public and private sectors both in Australian and overseas and emerging small local businesses alike. Chris is also the author of “Thrive – How to succeed as an aspiring young farmer” available to BUY NOW from our Shop.

Prior to setting up the coaching practice Chris was a senior lecturer at Sydney University in agriculture and management and Newcastle University in Human Resource Management and Change.

Chris is a professional full-time coach that has logged more than 5000 paid coaching hours. He mentors other professional coaches and strictly adheres to the premise of lifelong learning and continuing personal development.

Bianca Morrison

Bianca Morrison – B.Man, M.Phil, LLB, Certified Workplace Trainer and Assessor and Licensed Business Coach

Every great man requires an equally great women to stand alongside him, and Bianca is that women! Bianca runs the day to day operations ensuring that clients are engaged and informed. She coaches select clients to achieve targeted outcomes.

Bianca brings a wealth of technical knowledge and information to the business as an entrepreneur, coach and leader. Having a law degree also enables her to better understand and helps Chris with some of the problems that are faced by our clients in the course of their businesses. Her attention to detail ensures clients complete stated tasks.

Bianca believes that if we look after SME’s we in turn ensure the viability of the community. When SME’s grow they employ more people who then in turn look after their families to ensure that they have opportunities going forward.

Bianca also operates a boutique Warmblood stud, is a competitive dressage rider and a keen traveller.

Want to know what it’s like to work with Chris? Don’t just take our word for it!